Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving . . . a month ago

This year Thanksgiving was at Cindy and John's home. It's funny how things can change in a year. Last year Bryan and I had thanksgiving at Cindy and John's but it was just the 4 of us and Cin and I made all the food - even the turkey :( This year there were 13 of us (mom, dad, heather, jeff, aubrey, elliot, katie, cindy, john, j.j., summer and bry and I). We split up the cooking which was nice - no handling of turky. I made a spinach salad and mashed potatoes. I also made place cards for everyone. It was a really fun gathering - and we kept up with the grandpa bagley tradition of going around the table and saying what we're thankful for. Poor dad was sick with a cold so he had to wear a mask to keep the babies from getting sick. He still looked cute though!!! I can't wait to see how big our family will be for next thanksgiving :)

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