Monday, August 6, 2012

life day by day :: july

here's a look at our day by day.  all photos and captions via instagram

This is how isla slept at church today
{july 1}

Isla got to try her first crepe this morning
{july 4}

A day off for daddy means some pool time for the family!
{july 4}

Loved 4th of July this year.....might have been my favorite yet.....and we didn't even get to see the firewords light up the sky.  Isla makes everything a little more challenging but so so so much more fun!
{july 4}

watching a little tangled before ni-night
{july 5}

We got isla a backpack for our flight last weekend and now it comes with us every time we go for a drive!  She looks so old wearing a backpack
{july 7}

Hanging out at the riverwoods with friends yesterday
{july 7}

Heather and I on a girls night out at scera theatre for "all shook up"
{july 7}

Lehos and puppets before storytime at Barnes and Noble
{july 11}

Lovin on aunt heather
{july 12}

Playing dress-up with bear.....bear gets a headband, isla gets a headband, bear gets a headband.....
{july 15}

She's taking charge
{july 16}

{got this idea from my very creative sister-in-law Karen}  It's a matching game for when she's older, but this morning we've been playing "can you find.....?"  hopefully this way she'll remember her attridge family
{july 17}

Isla's first Marley's breakfast.  Best chocolate pancakes ever
{july 18}

She wanted to drink the syrup (I kinda wanted to too....not gonna lie)
{july 18}

This little lady did both of these slides at seven's peak!  She's very brave!!
{july 18}

Heya blackberry nose :)
{july 19}

Welp....we headed up north to go to the lehi trafalga but ended up at the children's discovery garden at thanksgiving point.  So now Isla's chilling in a pool in regular clothes.  real classy
{july 21}

More from our afternoon at the thanksgiving point discovery garden
{july 21}

Working on a 15 month post today
{july 22}

Beckham's in town - yay!  So we got right to dressing him up as a girl
{july 23}

daddy and isla sharing an ice cream cone
{july 24}

It was just the 3 of us celebrating Pioneer Day but we still had to end the fun day with a BBQ picnic
{july 24}

Where a kid can be a kid and isla can find another opportunity to bust a move
{july 25}

4 little kids love looking up at the same time for a picture (haha)
{july 26}

Our best shot!  We're already loing having summer and beckham around!
{july 26}

Sunday afternoons:  feeding the ducks at the duck pond, chasing after the ducks, resting by the toys, push-ups with daddy
{july 29}

follow me on instagram @eattridge2

Engagement Pictures