Sunday, August 15, 2010

BA's Graduation

My husband is officially a graduate from Brigham Young University. He walked on August 12th and 13th. My parents came to Provo just for the occasion.

It took a little (really a lot of) convincing to get Bryan to walk. I was finally able to convince him to walk with all the graduates on Thursday by agreeing to walk with him. And I was able to because I had to buy my cap and gown when I graduated.

Thursday, August 12th
Here he is begrudgingly waiting to line up
Me - a little more excited
Bryan talking to his mom and getting a little more excited to be apart of the graduation ceremony

Both in our caps and gowns after the ceremony

Now I'm a supporter :)
With the parents

With the Buells. They were so nice to come both days!

Me and the graduate!

Friday, August 13th
Bryan entering the Marriott with Family, Home, and Social Science Majors

In his seat on his phone. I think I called him every 15 min so he would look and I could take a picture

Receiving his diploma. We called Rae when Bryan was about to get his diploma so she could cheer along with us.

Heading down the stairs

I couldn't get up close while he was shaking hands so I told him to stop in front of me for a close up.

And he's graduated!

After his graduation we had a little party at Elliot and Katie's. I made cap cupcakes and diploma brownies.

Congrats Bryan!

Engagement Pictures