Friday, November 21, 2008


Cindy and I are infamous for going to bed early. . . so there was no staying up till midnight for Twilight! But we did with our very kind husbands go on Friday afternoon!!

Overall experience - pleased. I thought there was some horrible acting at times, some awful casting (Rosalie & Jasper), and not a lot of development. . . But, I did like getting back into the story, and there was some fantastic casting (Edward, Bella & Alice), and some really funny and creative parts.

I think that anyone that didn't read the book would have zero idea what was going on (because of the lack of development) - but I enjoyed it because I did read the book.

I'm going to read the first book again and then see the movie again - and I'll see if I change my mind on anything.

Again - overall pleasant experience (with some heartfelt moments)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Bryan

The birthday morning started out not quite right. It's tradition in our family to have breakfast in bed on the morning of birthdays. Bryan's boss called last night and asked if he would cover a shift in the morning. Reluctantly Bryan agreed. I decided that I wasn't nice enough to get up at 5 to have breakfast ready for Bryan before he had to be to work at 7. When we got to the MTC, Bryan found out that his boss asked a co-worker to cover the same shift. I felt bad that Bryan didn't get breakfast and for no reason. . . so I decided to take him to Kneaders for all-you-can-eat french toast instead. The french toast was delectable. . .but, Bryan was not very happy about the service (long story).

After school and work we had Dinner at Tucanos with the Buells (we typically celebrate Bryan and Jeff's b-days together since they're a week apart) and then watched The Dark Knight at the Dollar theatre!

(I forgot my camera - so the pics are from my phone - not the highest quality!)
Happy Birthday Bryan!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I was looking at the Johnson's blog and was reminded of the fact that Wicked will be in Salt Lake from 4/8/09-5/3/09. I've been checking every week or so to see when the tickets will go on sale - but no luck - tba was what I saw! I checked today and the on sale date was finally announced! December 12th the tickets will go on sale. I will be online bright and early to reserve my seats, who's going with me??? I can't wait!

The Triplets - Then and (sort of) Now

The triplets were born between 11:51 pm and 11:53 pm on November 20, 1982.

When Larry and Rae walked into the hospital that day they were expecting to go home with two. Surprise! Kim was hiding up under Rae's rib cage.

The triplets as stocking stuffers - too cute

Quite the juggling act - I'm sure these pics are pretty telling of how it was trying to care for 3

I love this picture of the 3 of them!!

High School sports & Graduation

The family minus a few

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An early Birthday Tribute to my best friend

I've seen this on other blogs and loved it. . .so I thought I'd follow suit!

In the snowy month of January 2005 an extremely good looking young man and a not in the mood for dating young lady had their first chance meeting.

It was Bryan's number ONE class at BYU. We were taking Communications 101 and were put in a group together. We had to present the very next week, so we got to immediately get to know each other. After that first meeting we were pretty much inseparable from then on.

But, it took TWO months for us to decide that there was no one else we'd rather see. I was reluctant to date exclusively as I had just ended a long relationship!

THREE was the amount of months we got to spend together as a couple before Bryan left back home to Okanogan for FOUR months. Bryan decided that he could make more money over the summer if we went home then if he stayed in Provo.

Bryan and I continued to talk while he was away and I flew out to visit him twice. We had decided that we would see other people over the summer. But after the first visit to Okanogan, it took about FIVE seconds for me to decide that I no longer wanted to see other people. From that day on we have been together. After a year and some change we decided we would make our relationship lasting!

While I was at Bryan's home I met some of his siblings. There are SIX children in Bryan's family and he shares his birthday with two of them (as he is a triplet).

SEVEN is about the amount of times I have been saying since last week that Bryan's gonna be a birthday boy and that he is getting tooooo old.

EIGHT is the day of the month that Bryan and I met in January, is the day of the month that we had our first kiss in February, and the day we decided to be exclusive in March. I wanted to get married on the 8th as well to follow with the tradition, but it wasn't a weekend. So, alas we did not.

NINE is the amount of months Bryan and I continued dating after he got back from Okanogan until we got engaged.

Together, Bryan and I have TEN nieces and nephews that we love dearly. In about six more months the number will increase to ELEVEN. Bryan loves kids and the favor is returned. He is adored by his nieces and nephews!!

The TWELFTH of August is the day Bryan and I were sealed together for time and all eternity.

Halloween is Bryan's favorite holiday. So, Nightmare on THIRTEENTH is just one of the haunted houses Bryan and I went to this year.

FOURTEEN is about the amount of articles of clothing Bryan had in his closet before I met him. I remember one time asking Bryan what his favorite store to shop in was - he replied, "what do you mean - like which thrift store?" Needless to say, his wardrobe has increased significantly!

Bryan will be taking FIFTEEN credits next semester. After the semester he's currently in, he will have 3 more semesters before he graduates. He will be pretty busy next semester and I am not looking forward to it - but I can't wait till he's done.

Bryan was SIXTEEN a decade ago! When Bryan was sixteen he could be found playing any multitude of sports or watching movies in his basement. Those are still about Bryan's two favorite things. He is a serious movie buff. He knows random facts about most movies and he can full on give you a 10 minute dialogue from most movies. So funny!

Two summers ago Bryan and I spent SEVENTEEN weeks in Alaska working for Princess Tours. Bryan was a tour guide/driver. The old ladies adored him. He grew a beard for the last half of the summer and seriously looked like a mountain men - that did wonders for his tips.

After the EIGHTEENTH game the Seattle Seahawks played in the 2006 season, they were headed to the Super Bowl. This was the first time for the Seahawks to make it to the Super Bowl in the history of the team. They ended up losing 21-10 to Pittsburgh :( Bryan loves all Seattle athletic teams - he is quite devoted!

A few weeks after Bryan's NINETEENTH birthday he left for his mission to the New Hampshire Manchester Mission. I hope that one day (soon) we can go back to his mission.

Bryan was born on the TWENTIETH of November 1982.

We were married when I was twenty years old, I was hoping to wait until I was TWENTY-ONE but my birthday is in the middle of September and the semester starts at the beginning. So we technically got married when I was twenty but I like to think of myself as twenty-one (what's a month?)

Bryan and I spend at least TWENTY-TWO days a month eating lunch together. He kindly takes time out of his busy schedule to meet me for lunch. It is my favorite part of the day. I love spending time with Bryan. I joke that we're never going to be real adults because we laugh pretty much the whole time we're together.

Bryan was TWENTY-THREE when we got married. He was so sweet during the whole planning the wedding process. I told him after we got engaged that I wanted him to be involved in planning the wedding and I wanted to hear his ideas, BUT if I really wanted something I DID NOT want him to disagree :) He did just that. I got everything I really wanted and he helped with the small details!

24 is one of Bryan's favorite TV shows. Last weekend we watched the last seven episodes of last season so we could be ready for the show to start next week.

I probably hear I love you from Bryan TWENTY-FIVE times a day. He is so sweet to always let me know that he loves me and even when he's not saying it, he shows it by the way he treats me!

Bryan will turn TWENTY-SIX on Thursday, November 20th. I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband. I love you Bry Guy and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday JJ

JJ had his 1 year birthday party on Saturday! It was so cute to see JJ running around playing with all his new toys :) I don't think I have ever seen the Merris house with sooo many toys. I'm not sure JJ knew quite what to think about his house filled with so many people singing to him and all the presents either! It really was hillarious to see JJ moving around to a new toy about every 2 seconds. As soon as I got to the party . . . I turned on my camera to find that the battery was dead :( I really need to take better care of charging the camera! Anyway happy birthday JJ! We love you!

Since I didn't take any pics on Saturday . . . here are some pics of JJ as a newborn and from a few weeks ago :)

P.S. Happy Birthday to Chrissy Babe too. We wish we could have been with you to celebrate. Lots of love

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tribute to a Wonderful Woman

I just wanted to take a moment and share my love for a very special woman that has passed away. It was Grandma Mary Lou's birthday yesterday!!

I feel so privileged that I was able to know Bryan's Grandma Mary Lou. She had such a wonderful and warm and giving spirit. She was the kind of woman that always made people feel happy just being around her and so comfortable. From the first time I met Grandma Mary Lou I knew that I was blessed just to have her in my life. I hope that I can be as wonderful as a mother, grandmother, and friend that she has been. We love you Grandma Mary Lou!!

Family that loves her and thinks of her often! (Her husband Grandpa Don and some of her grand kids!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The results are in!!

The results are in for the first 2 states to have counties that have closed polling. At 4 o'clock MST Indiana and Kentucky closed polling (not all counties in these states have closed polling)! So Far the results for these 2 states are:



click on the names for an interactive link - love it!

I Voted!

Election day is upon us and at least in Provo, UT it is turning out to be a gloomy day. But, I am psyched that I could do my part to raise my voice and stand for what I think is right! Voting is such an awesome privillege and I'm glad I could take part

Go out and take a stand!

Engagement Pictures